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Second EECP Worskhop

Perspectives on Language, Reality, Society and Knowledge

February 23-24 2018, University of Rijeka

The Second EECP Workshop will be held on 23-24 February 2018 at the University of Rijeka (Croatia).

The workshop will feature research presentations as well as a number of events related to career planning: one interactive session on writing applications; one keynote address on the current state of academic philosophy; and one round-table about career development.

The event will also host the plenary meeting of the European Early Career Philosophers Network. 

Download the workshop's program and book of abstracts.

Here is the worskshop schedule: 

Friday (Feb 23)

Room 401, Sveučilišna avenija 4

Coffee, welcome 9:00-9:30

9:30-10:15 - EECP Career Planning - Delia Belleri (University of Vienna) - Planning a Career in Philosophy: The Frequently Asked Questions
10:15-11:00 - Matija Lukač (University of Rijeka) - Thinking About Collective Intentionality as a Mechanism

Coffee 11:00-11:15

11:15-12:00 - Tomislav Miletić (University of Rijeka) - Human-AmI Symbiosis: Enhanced Moral Agency
12:00-12:45 - David Grčki (University of Rijeka) - Sequential Choice

Lunch 12:45-13:45

13:45-14:30 - Eve Kitsik (University of Tartu) - How Can Revisionary Ontology Improve Our Beliefs?
14:30-15:15 - Martina Blečić (University of Rijeka) - Conversational Implicatures as

Coffee 15:15-15:30

15:30-17:00 - EECP Plenary Meeting

Saturday (Feb 24)

Room 401, Sveučilišna avenija 4

Coffee 9:00-9:15

9:15-10:45 - EECP Plenary Lecture -

Professor Snježana Prijić-Samaržija

(Rector of the University of Rijeka) - Real-world Philosophy

Coffee 10:45-11:00

11:00-11:45 - Dan Zeman (University of Vienna) - Subject-Contextualism and the Meaning of Gender T

11:45- 12:30 - Leonard Pektor (University of Rijeka) - Values and Upbringing: A Liberal Outlook

Coffee 12:30- 12:45

12:45- 13:30 - Martin Vacek (University of Bratislava) - On the Broadness of Metaphysical Ideology

Lunch 13:30- 14:30

14:30- 16:00 - EECP Round Table:

Ivan Cerovac (University of Rijeka)

Igor Eterović (University of Rijeka)

Toomas Lott (University of Tartu)

19:00 Workshop dinner

European Early Career Philosophers © 2017

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