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Third EECP Workshop

Bratislava, 13-15 May, 2019
Download the book of abstracts
Venue: Conference Room on the 5th Floor, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Klemensova 19, Bratislava

Monday, May 13


13:30 -14:00 - Welcome

14:00 -14:50 - Martin Vacek (Bratislava): «Dispensing with Parsimony»
14:55 -15:45 - Michaela Košová (Prague): «My Friend's True Self: Children's Concept of Personal Identity»

Coffee Break

16:10 -17:00 - Henrik Sova (Tartu): «Truth-value assessment relativism entails content-relativism»
17:05 -17:55 - David Grcki (Rijeka): «Planing ahead: A runaway bride case»
18:00-18:50 - Janko Nesic (Belgrade): «Subjectivity in Integrated Information Theory»


Tuesday, May 14


Workshop with Scott Soames


10:00 - 10:40 - Tuukka Tanninen (Helsinki): «Knowing Essential Properties»
10:40 - 11:20 - Eleni Manolakaki (Athens): «On Cognitive Propositions»
11:20 - 12:00 - Victor Carranza (Milan): «Commitments in Act-based Theories of Propositions»

Lunch break

13:30 - 15:00 - SCOTT SOAMES - cancelled!


Coffee break 

15:20: 16:00 - Francesco Spada (Modena): «The Rediscovery of the Problem of the Unity of the Proposition and the Oblivion of its Roots»
16:00 - 16:40 - Bogdan Vladimirovich Faul (Saint-Petersburg): «Dualistic Response to the Thinking-animal Argument»


ECCP Worskhop resumes


16:40 -17:30 - Jessica Bicking (Vienna): «Measuring Empathy - Between Concept and Application»
17:35-18:25 - Sanja Sreckovic (Belgrade): «Contribution of neuropsychological research to the philosophical debates on musical meaning»


19:00 - Workshop social dinner @ Bistrot St. Germain, Rajská 7



Wednesday, May 15


9:00 -10:30 - Round table: Career development

Informal session with coffee, moderated by Delia Belleri (Vienna). All welcome.

Coffee Break

10:45 -11:35 - Brice Bantegnie (Prague): «A Farewell to the Autonomy of Psychology»
11:40 -12:30 - Martina Blecic (Rijeka): «Lying and Deniability»

12:30 -13:15 - EECP Board Meeting

European Early Career Philosophers © 2017

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